Wiping vs Ultra Violet (UV) Boxes to sterilise digital devices
Your smartphone contains 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Well, now you should think about safely sanitizing your smartphone or any digital device for that matter. The coronavirus has changed the way we live, especially in terms of hygiene. People are bathing more these days, sanitizing their hands every single time and staying away from potential hotspots.
Wait? Did you just read hotspots?
Your smartphone is the biggest hotspot of bacteria that you carry in your pocket every day. You collect bacteria from everywhere you go and then you touch your phone (that explains everything). Not just your phone, your earphone, watch, or even your laptop. Every single device contains bacteria collected and spread.
Wiping? Well, that’s what they say, keep wiping all the surfaces you touch and of course, the smartphone is a surface that needs sterilizing. That’s exactly where things could go wrong.
The interesting fact about wiping is that it could potentially tear your smartphones oil repellent coating over time (so it’s definitely not recommended). Furthermore don’t be so hard on wiping down the virus because the harder you push, the easier the coating will go away.
Yes, sterilizing is the right thing to do. If tuned correctly ultraviolet light can kill the DNA and RNA of the viruses which completely takes it out of the picture. That’s exactly what a UV Sterilizer does when you keep your smartphone and other devices in it. So far, there are no serious comments from experts about device damages due to UV sterilization, but make sure you buy the best one out there based on the cost of your smartphone.
It’s definitely going to be a long term investment considering the fact that the virus is not going to disappear anytime soon as mentioned by the chief of the World Health Organization. In conclusion, sterilize your devices well, use alcohol sanitizers for your hands and stay safe.