From “Okay” to “Ting” Alexa is getting better
Amazon Alexa is definitely getting better with their new “brief mode”. It’s very annoying whenever you ask Alexa to do a certain tasks and Alexa replies with an “okay”.
What if you appoint a real human assistant within your house, and asks him to do a certain job, will he keep on saying “okay” okay and “okay” all the time when he’s asked to do a job?
Exactly what Alexa is trying to put. Just like every other home assistants out there, Alexa was very keen about saying “Okay” to the users who asks Alexa to do something. But Alexa introduced something beautiful,
Brief mode
It’s just a tiny little update within the app which was first spotted by a reddit user and then confirmed by Amazon. This update will give you the access to turn on brief mode so that you can stop Alexa from saying “okay” again and again.
It may sound unnecessary, but it’s pretty sure that Amazon has taken this decision because of the user reports and maybe they are already tired of hearing this “okay” all the time from Alexa.
From now on, Amazon alexa will make a chime (“ting”) to confirm that your command is taken and executed (well, that’s far better than saying okay), but if you’re very much comfortable with alexa’s okay, then you have the control to keep it (turn off “brief mode”).
Growth is inevitable for a brand like Amazon, especially when it comes to Alexa. It’s pretty sure that amazon will focus on making Alexa better every single day, because their user base is growing everyday and the connectivity with multiple upcoming smart home products are getting better.
Publishers note : You can add affiliate links or a list of amazon alexa products from amazon link builder plugin
So they’ll keep on working towards making Alexa more efficient and intelligent without irritating the users. (no more “okay’s”).
“Hey Alexa, turn on brief mode”
Alexa : Okay (Oops, sorry).