
Apple WWDC Highlights and Updates Recap

The WWDC, just as Apple had advertised is an annual migration for developers as Apple releases what is in store for the year. It is at this event where Apple announces all the software goodies for the following year, like new updates and the features that the updates hold.

Held at San Jose this year, the event was kicked off with a keynote address that highlighted the new updates that will be hitting the various operating systems. The major update, and also the major announcement was of the iOS 12.

iOS 12

iOS 12 is an update that focuses not just on new features, but also on performance. Keeping in mind the older devices too, iOS 12 uses some performance enhancements and also some real cool upgrades to FaceTime, Animoji and Siri too. Another important aspect of the iOS 12 is the amount of attention and focus given to AR.

Augmented Reality

Apples decision to roll out the ARKit 2.0, the second generation of its AR development software is interesting. The company is now pushing Augmented Reality to be a new basic feature, and Apple has already gone ahead and announced its own file format for augmented reality.

This new version already has some neat new features like improved face tracking, realistic rendering, persistent experiences and also shared experiences.

Augmented Reality is becoming more important than ever as businesses and companies are increasingly launching AR related or AR dependent products. The release of AR games in the recent past contribute to this growth, and also show that potential users are out there.

This, in turn, makes sense for the iPhone too to get this feature as it expands the massive potential app ecosystem and also enables developers too to expand their capabilities in making AR related apps and services a reality.

Memoji and Animoji

If you are a Bitmoji user, then you don’t need a class on the new Memoji. Memoji is actually an animated emoji of yourself, which you can customise. People fell in love with Bitmoji, and seems that Apple is cashing in on that.

And the fact that Snap spent more than $60 million on the maker of Bitmoji reaffirms that fact. And oh, did I mention that now you can stick out your tongue and Animojis do the same?

Group FaceTime

FaceTime is also getting a huge boost from video calls between two people to now having video calls up to 32 people. This feature is something that was long expected from Apple, and it is finally here. And if you feel bored with a particular long video call, you can just use an Animoji!

watchOS 5

Apple also announced WatchOS 5, the new update for the Apple Watch. This new update includes new features like workout types like yoga and hiking, challenges for friends, and also automatic workout detection. This new update from Apple transforms the Apple Watch from just being a smart watch to a good fitness tracker too.


Apple also released the macOS Mojave, the next version of the Mac operating system that brings in features like dark mode and also few new tools to help users stay organised by stacking files intelligently and in viewing and finding them easier.

This new update from Apple helps the Mac to remain in the market and also have a good share the phone driven company.

There are many more updates and features that was announced, like the Walkie-Talkie feature on the Apple Watch and a redesigned Mac Store. As for now, one can only wait for these updates to hit home.